Writing my first Github blog without installation of Jekyll locally!

I have been interested in writing blogs on Github for a while. However after poked around in some articles on the Internet, I gave up since they had always asked to setup Jekyll environment locally first (I have so many client devices…)

Until yesterday, after read one article Build A Blog With Jekyll And GitHub Pages, within one hour, I could set my blog site up in Github very easily. I really thank the author for sharing his work.

Next, I will explore the possibilities for using my blog repository with Eclipse (since I’m an Eclipse guy) and how to add comments, tags in my Github blog site:

  • Using Eclipse
    With Eclipse, I can use EGit to manage my blog repository, and I also installed a Markdown plugin from Eclipse markplace. But I haven’t found a Jekyll plug in for Eclipse yet.

  • Using comments There are two lines in “_config.yml” file:
    # Your disqus shortname, entering this will enable commenting on posts
    After I registed in disqus.com and got a shortname, I put it in above line, save and push it into Github. I waited for seconds and refreshed this blog page, I could see the commenting box. It’s a quick setting and wonderful!!!

  • Using Google Analytics
    There are two lines in “_config.yml” file: # Enter your Google Analytics web tracking code (e.g. UA-2110908-2) to activate tracking google_analytics: Same as using comments: register in Google Analytics site and get your tracking code, then add it after the colon.

  • Using tags It seems that currently there is no built-in support for tagging in jekyll without using plug-ins. Here is the ticket. However, I found that this article provides a workaround. I follow the steps in it to configure this blog site, this is the reason why you can see a “test tag” tag at the end of this blog:-)

So far so good without installation of jekyll locally.

Written on August 17, 2014
Tags: jekyll